Stepping Stones

Aspiring professional pilots often find themselves at a crossroads when considering a job change. The allure of new opportunities and the promise of advancement can be tempting, but it is crucial to approach such decisions with a discerning mindset. Drawing from my own experiences and the invaluable advice passed down by my father, I have learned to envision the desired job, evaluate its potential as a stepping stone, and carefully assess the long and short-term goals it can help me achieve. In this blog post, I will delve into the thought process I employ when contemplating a job change, emphasizing the importance of digging deep to uncover the realities beyond the surface. Remember, the grass may appear greener on the other side, but it could also be laden with challenges and setbacks.

Envisioning Your Desired Job:

When considering a job change, the first step is to envision yourself in the desired position. Imagine the responsibilities, the environment, and the opportunities it presents. Visualize yourself thriving in that role, pursuing your passion, and embracing the challenges it offers. This exercise serves as a litmus test to determine whether your current job is merely a stepping stone or a genuine opportunity for growth.

Assessing the Stepping Stone:

Next, it is essential to evaluate the prospective job's potential as a stepping stone toward your ultimate goal. Consider whether the new position aligns with your long-term aspirations and if it will propel you closer to achieving them. Look beyond the immediate benefits and explore how the job can help you acquire new skills, expand your network, and gain valuable experience. Is this position a bridge that will connect you to future opportunities? Scrutinizing the stepping stone nature of the job is crucial to ensure it contributes meaningfully to your career trajectory.

Identifying Long and Short-Term Goals:

Delving deeper into the decision-making process requires a thorough examination of your long and short-term goals. Consider what you aspire to achieve in the grand scheme of your aviation career. Will this new job enable you to reach those long-term goals? Additionally, identify any short-term objectives you wish to accomplish and determine if the prospective job aligns with them. By connecting the dots between your goals and the potential job, you can better comprehend how it fits into your overarching career path.

Digging Deep:

As you navigate the decision-making process, it is crucial to dig deep and gather as many details as possible. Merely relying on surface-level assumptions or hearsay can lead to misjudgments. Reach out to professionals working in the industry or organization you are considering and ask for their insights. Seek information about the work culture, the leadership, growth opportunities, and any potential challenges. Uncover both the positive and negative aspects of the prospective job, empowering yourself to make an informed decision rather than relying on mere speculation.

The Grass and the Reality Beyond:

While the grass may appear greener on the other side, it is important to recognize that it may be misleading. Simply trading one job for another without thorough evaluation can lead to disappointment and frustration. By conducting due diligence, envisioning your desired role, assessing the potential as a stepping stone, identifying long and short-term goals, and digging deep into the realities, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the job you are considering.


As aspiring professional pilots, we owe it to ourselves to make well-informed career decisions. By following the advice of seasoned professionals and conducting our due diligence, we can navigate the job change landscape with clarity and confidence. Envisioning the desired job, evaluating its potential as a stepping stone, and assessing its alignment with long and short-term goals are vital steps in this process. Remember, the grass may appear greener on the other side, but by digging deep, we can unearth the truth and find that the grass may be greener because of extra bulls**t and flooded with issues.